
The Role of Rats in Spreading Diseases 

Pest infestation has been a problem for a long time. They not only damage property but can also cause various diseases in humans and animals. The diseases can be transmitted through multiple sources, such as bites, feces, parasites like fleas, etc.

Furthermore, rats can get into people’s properties. They usually enter in search of food, which is why it is essential that the residents keep their places clean and do not litter anywhere unnecessarily. 

One thing about rats is that they are good at climbing and can fit through tiny holes as well. Therefore, make sure all your entry points are properly sealed. It is seen that pests are most active during nighttime.

 Due to this reason, it can be challenging to spot them. If you want to identify them, look for gnawing marks or their feces, which are about 1⁄2 inch in length. 

A place like Florida provides an excellent home to animals like rats. This is due to the availability of food and shelter. Avata Pest Control in Central Florida can help you get rid of such pests.

Differences between the two common types of rats. 

Features  Brown Rats Black rats
Habitat They are usually found in lower levels of ground, such as in sewers. They are found in upper levels, such as on trees.
Behavioural type They are seen as more aggressive. Black rats are usually timid and remain more cautious.
Food preference  They are seen to like having cereals and meaty foods. They feed on fruits and

different vegetables.

Length of their tail They have tails of the same size as their body. They can have longer tails as compared to the size of their body.

What is the lifespan of rats?

Wild rats usually live for around one year. On the other hand, rats that are kept as pets may live longer by a year or two. It is because pet rats get the proper food, and they are also less prone to being hunted by natural predators. 

If we talk about their mating pattern, a female rat can again become pregnant very quickly after giving birth to pups. Due to this reason, the infestation by rats can spread very rapidly. 

What are some of the characteristics of these pests?

  • Good sense of smell and taste.
  • Poor eyesight
  • Good sense of hearing.
  • The rat’s tail helps maintain body temperature.
  • The tail also provides balance and stability.

What are the different diseases caused by rats?

  • A disease that spreads through urine.

Leptospirosis is a disease caused by rats. Different water sources can get contaminated from the urine of the rat. For instance, if there is heavy rainfall, there is a high chance that the water will be contaminated by it. 

A few of the symptoms of this disease include damage to kidneys (in severe cases), headaches, pain in the muscles, etc. In order to prevent such diseases, it is essential to keep places clean and not leave stagnant water anywhere. 

  • Fever from rat’s bite. 

Usually, those who keep rats as pets or those who work in managing pests are more susceptible to catching rat-bite fever. The common symptoms include high fever, aches in the muscles, etc. 

In order to avoid serious issues, a person should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Delaying intervention can further worsen the condition of the person. 

  • Bacteria can spread through their feces.

Salmonella is a bacteria that can be found in the intestine of a rat. It can spread through its feces, causing Salmonellosis in humans. Symptoms can include fever, cramps in the abdomen, etc. 

Call the pest control office today!

Reach out to a pest control service in Florida. They can locate the place of infestation at your property. Then, they will use different methods to get rid of them.